Tuesday, August 10, 2010


Lately, in Indonesia and the world at large, the term "terror and terrorism" is often associated with Islam as a religion. At the very least, the term associated with people using the name of Islam. In this case, the public is already familiar with these names; for local-regional level, for example, there is the name of Abu Bakar Bashir, Omar al-Farouk, Imam Samudera, and Amrozy; at international level, there is the name of Osama bin Laden network al-Qaeda. Although, they mentioned his name, until now, until this writing, has not been proven involvement in various acts of terror and terrorism. These circumstances led to the negative image of Islam and Muslims. The presumption that could soon emerge in the minds of those who do not understand Islam, Islam teaches terrorism.

One of the teachings of Islam which is often viewed as the source of growth and proliferation of terrorism is jihad. The term jihad itself, for the West, contains a negative image and stigma. Jihad in their view is identical to the holy war (holy war). In fact, this is the doctrine of jihad, according to them, which has given rise to fundamentalism, radicalism, and terrorism everywhere. For the West, the term "jihad" as if it has become a kind of "ghost" is scary. Why not, the actions of suicide bombers (suicide bomb) targeting Western interests there and seen born of the spirit of jihad. The spirit of jihad like this, making Islam teaches its adherents feared because of brave friends with the highest uncertainty, death.

Western view of the doctrine of jihad is, perhaps, can not be fully blamed. Moreover, if, Islamic history characterized by war and the spirit of territorial expansion retrospect. Errors of the West, presumably, too reduce the teaching of jihad as holy war in the context of Christian Europe, as the war against the infidel. Because, historically, wars are generally made on the basis of politics and as a defensive action against attack from outside. In addition, the war is only one implementation of jihad. Jihad in the form of this is done with regard to the battle against the infidels and enemies of Islam, as well as in ancient Roman tradition and concept of the crusade (crusade), is seen as a war of justice (justum bellum) and the piety of war (bellum pium).

 "911Tragedy"; attacks on the World Trade Center, Pentagon, and the Bali bombings, the U.S. would reinforce the view of the international terrorism network. These events are mapped the world into two groups: supporters or opponents of terrorism. President Bush even delivered his threat, "if you're not with us, you're against us". Ironically, acts of terrorism associated with Islam and Muslims. Muslims as a "defendant". Granted, the culprit is people who are Muslims, but clearly, such a terrorist act can not be viewed in line with Islamic teachings. When such acts are performed, then the actual people who do it are not Muslims practice their faith.

What exactly is meant terror and terrorism, and what to do with jihad? Terror and terrorism are very difficult to define. One of the main reasons for the difficulty in defining it, because he is a difficult moral issue. The sense of terror and terrorism, generally, lies in the moral justification that defines it, the subjective nature of terrorism itself, and its use is almost entirely a connotative. Terrorism itself can be done with a variety of motivations: for reasons of religion, ideology, fighting for freedom, liberating themselves from injustice, and therefore, the existence of particular interest.

Terror contain the relationship between the four strategic elements, between perpetrators, victims, spectators, and the target. Terror is the use of "violence" as a means of communication between the perpetrator and target of target in public. According to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) United States, terrorism is an act of unlawful violence or crimes against persons or actions to intimidate or coerce a government, civilian and other public constituents; with the aim of achieving certain social and political targets.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Globalization: between glocalization and Grobalisation

A number of experts to assess globalization is a myth. In essence, they are not just dubious of globalization, but also, even the view of globalization can never really materialized. If it can happen, the important question, who benefits? Globalization, a blessing for anyone? Various studies and reports concluded, only the rich countries alone are benefited by globalization. Even if there are countries that benefited the poor and neglected, it concerns only slightly populated. It is yet to consider a number of resulting adverse impacts. Hence, in various parts of the world, also witnessed the emergence of a number of anti-globalization movement.

Globalization of the word 'global' means comprehensive or cover the entire world, with an additional suffix 'ization' meaningful process. In short, globalization is a process or globalization processes something. Put differently, globalization also means the process universes, single place. This is where the question "What is global or whether the global?". What's globalized wealth, or conversely, that globalizing is poverty? And, what's globalized capitalism, Americanization, or McDonaldlization?

The phenomenon of globalization is characterized by market expansion and escalation of consumer behavior in various areas of life. Consumptive phenomena such as these suggest a variety of variants of human oppression in the pack chasing the growth of industrial society, though, an awareness of pseudo-community, so it feels "oppression is satisfactory", said Heru Nugroho (2006). Ironically, he added, excess consumption by the community in various aspects with all its negative impacts are the driving forces of the industrial economy. This situation is also supported by various financial institutions and the use of mass media as the spearhead of persuasion arena for certain commodities.